The Revolution Ape Blog

Tarantino’s Latest Masterpiece - The Hateful Eight

Posted by Mitchel Dean on

Tarantino’s Latest Masterpiece - The Hateful Eight

Tarantino’s latest masterpiece contends with its predecessors for being Tarantino’s most impressive movie yet (which is no mean feat). The movie attributes its success, yet again, to impeccable casting, acting and dialogue as well as a riveting crescendo of high intensity, gore soaked twists and turns that give this wonderful western a ‘whodunit’ vibe. The Hateful Eight was crafted with the revival of the old-hat camera process known as Ultra Panavision-70, offering firm support to the argument that digital and film can happily co-exist – with impressive results. Tarantino’s retrospective taste for this kind of cinematography even lead to a...

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The Life of Brian - Top 5 Scenes

Posted by Mitchel Dean on

The Life of Brian - Top 5 Scenes

Almost 40 years since its release, Life of Brian still remains to be one of the funniest films of all time and arguably Monty Python’s finest creation. In utter appreciation for the story of the hapless Brian Cohen and his trials under the oppression of the bloody Romans, we’ve compiled a list of top 5 favourite moments in this monumental British comedy triumph: 5. 'Blessed are the cheesemakers'  This hilarious take on the sermon on the mount highlights some of the potential difficulties of public speaking 2000 years before PA systems were invented. 4. 'Don't you oppress me!'    Transgender...

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